Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Cough For 2 Weeks In A 7 Month Old


Salta la diaria ai Advisers entering 15 minutes after the start of the session Boni: "It is a measure of reliability for a classroom more efficient."
Zero tolerance for 'Access route' (so to speak) of the Regional Council. A cut to the bad habits. And the portfolio of the directors, as the simple calls do not seem to punctuality sorting special effects. From now until Pirellone sgarra who pays and latecomers will be taken from the attendance. At least for now, given that the measure will be adopted only on an experimental basis. Then will be the same advisers, in convention assembled, to decide their fate. With one hand the consciousness, hopefully before their pockets. From today, however, we go. With the office Bureau, which has reduced from 45 to 15 minutes of tolerance granted to those who are also getting three quarters of an hour after the start of the meeting, could still make the payment of the allowance. "Punctuality - assures the President of the Regional Council, the League's Davide Boni - is a gesture of seriousness for advice more efficiently. The guarantee their schedules is important institutional role. " And just to give a further sign of efficiency, the Bureau would also like to bring forward from Tuesday morning to Monday afternoon meeting of the group leaders. Today in
council will also be the day that Giancarlo Abelli give up its bench because incompatible with the commitment in Parliament. Given the incompatibility Abelli will opt for the lower house resigned as director after the last regional election in the district of Pavia. He was replaced weighted Victor, former member of An, the first non-elected to the PDL in the district of Pavia. Thirty-four years, a native of Turin, but adoption of Pavia, weighed and a businessman and member of the national executive of the PDL.
already rumors circulating on the Presidents of eight standing committees. At the head of the Budget Committee should be reappointed to the League's Fabrizio Cecchetti, while the Institutional Affairs Zuffada Sante (PDL) re-elected in the constituency di Milano con oltre 12mila preferenze. Alla Sanità potrebbe arrivare la bresciana Margherita Peroni (Pdl), una delle sette donne riconfermate in consiglio. Presidente uscente della commissione Ambiente, Peroni ha fatto incetta di preferenze (14.996). La commissione Attività produttive dovrebbe essere per Mario Sala (Pdl), recordman delle preferenze nella circoscrizione di Milano (21.158). Al Territorio approderà il bergamasco Carlo Saffioti (Pdl), presidente uscente della commissione Attività produttive. All’Ambiente il leghista Giosuè Frosio (riconfermato a Bergamo), mentre alla Cultura Luciana Ruffinelli, rappresentante del Carroccio rieletta a Varese. Ancora da decidere il nome del presidente della neonata commissione Agricoltura. Sarà un uomo del Pdl, anche se a volerla è stata la Lega che all’assessorato ha piazzato l’ex presidente del consiglio Giulio De Capitani.
Il Pd in Consiglio regionale, intanto, sta mettendo a punto un progetto di legge per le celebrazioni del centocinquantesimo anniversario dell’Unità d’Italia. L’iniziativa, recita il testo, ha «lo scopo di elaborare e gestire un programma di manifestazioni che valorizzi le azioni, i luoghi e gli eventi della stagione risorgimentale che ebbero teatro in Lombardia e che contribuirono a costruire la nazione».