Saturday, January 30, 2010

What To Say When Someone Is Having A Baby


was held yesterday at the conference room of the Lombardy Region Gaber an interesting upcoming conference on future strategies for social housing. The technical
reiterated the necessary involvement and cooperation between public and private, the only solution to ensure the accommodations of high quality, low environmental impact and that allows more socio-economic realities of living together in harmony eliminating the construction of barracks / ghetto, but rather breaking down the same or upgraded, to give space to a human scale microcosms with particular attention to the weaker classes such as young couples, evicted, seniors and college students. Of course not
poteva che emergere l'eccellenza lombarda che si pone, anche in questo settore, all'avanguardia sia in Italia sia all'estero ma, come ha tenuto giustamente a precisare il Sottosegretario alle Infrastrutture e Trasporti Sen. Mauro Mantovani, proprio per garantire uno sviluppo costante esteso a tutte le altre regioni italiane, la politica federale si rivela nuovamente un'importante punto di partenza.
Politica che diventa necessaria per poter gestire localmente e in tempi brevi le esigenze dei cittadini e che, naturalmente, evidenzierebbe anche le le colpe delle singole amministrazioni nel caso di disservizi e/o reati legati all'edilizia abusiva, perchè, come ha detto il Sottosegretario " se a Milano si amplia una finestra in 24 ore arrivano i controlli, to the south, a house is built on the river bank and no one notices. "
Also in support of a regional policy, Sen. Mantovani, has pointed out that in view of the funding for the renovation of the Italian school , will present the request to donate a sum to the regions directly proportional to the percentage of students / buildings that would increase from 0.4% to 13% of the budgeted amount for the Lombardy Region that are not found to pay again to support really badly managed.
Of course, as the President remarked to Formigoni, there is still much to be done in our home and the achievement should automatically become a starting point that will encourage the local governments to take into account the needs, more and more pressing at this time of economic crisis, families.
For this reason, the Ass. Development of the Territory of the Municipality of Milan Masseroli, strongly reiterated the necessary approval of the PGT, which is just inside the classroom but continued obstruction city, delaying its implementation. Plan that finally after 30 years of administrative lethargy, would allow urban development by offering innovative solutions including the important ability to sell public lands abandoned at 0 cost to individuals who devote a share of 30% of the buildings to the Social Housing.



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