Friday, February 26, 2010

Where To Buy Chickenwings At?


Today, Friday 26 February, within a few weeks after my resignation from the role of Coordinator for the City of Milan Freedom Movement and the Future, the final result of constant friction with the Regional Coordination, and after intense days devoted to carefully consider the shortlist for the regional center of Lombardy in 2010 I decided to give my full support to Massimo Buscemi candidate in the ranks of the PDL.
Of course, Dear friends, I trust in support of you all and invite you to learn more Massimo and his program on the site, I invite you to contact me directly also to participate actively in the campaign.
Thank you very much,


Thursday, February 25, 2010

Kodak Dx4530 Maximum Sd Capacity


dates back a few hours ago the news of another stabbing occurred in the now sadly famous Via Padova Milan.
It is still a North African, with a lot of previous convictions including theft and smuggling of drugs, probably the victim of a settling of scores. This is the third case in the area in just 2 weeks.
I think it is high time that the city government take serious and immediate steps to declare and stop spreading false assurances to the right and left painting Via Padova as a district under control.
Someone has once and for all, the courage to declare that a mistaken policy of uncontrolled immigration has filled our city of scum, not in need of poor workers and the poor wretches in search of hope, but only lees.
course, not all immigrants are equal, but fair, immigrants integrate into our society, those who work and play by the rules in force, not moving day and night on the streets aimlessly, not to be found hanging out in bars at any time not gather in groups on street corners and in parchi, no, LAVORANO e come tutti noi vivono una quotidianità che li rende anonimi, amalgamati nella massa cittadina, INTEGRATI.
La FECCIA invece è facilmente riconoscibile, e se lo è per noi comuni cittadini, allora ancor di più lo deve essere per chi e responsabile di tutelare la nostra sicurezza.
Allora che finalmente si compiano controlli serrati e continui, che si vedano le forze dell'ordine fermare e legittimamente controllare le generalità di qualsiasi personaggio sospetto, ad ogni ora del giorno e della notte, anche in modo "asfissiante". Che i soggetti indesiderati siano espulsi immediatamente e che si ripristini uno stato di legalità, sicurezza e civiltà, SUBITO.


Monday, February 15, 2010

Bearded Dragon Pancreatitis


What a funny walking compounds, young and old. All driven by the interest only to sensitize the judiciary institutions and to restore a state of law and freedom in which citizens, both Italians and foreigners regularly, feel safe and protected. What a strange feeling calm
choruses that invite only to remind the judiciary that the underground is expensive offense and that it's time to stop hindering a law that the majority of Italians sought and welcome.
How strange to be there near the center of Milan and gather in a minute's silence to commemorate the death of a young Egyptian man stabbed and then sing the National Anthem. How strange
essere insultati dalle finestre, sentirsi chiamare fascisti, sentirsi dire che "facciamo più paura più noi che gli immigrati", sentirsi chiamare razzisti, nazisti e quant'altro.
Che strano tutto ciò, rendersi conto di sbagliare nel credere che tutti i cittadini onesti siano uniti da stessi principi e aspettative qualsiasi sia il credo politico.
Che strano rendersi conto, ancora una volta, che i soliti simpatizzanti di sinistra non perdono MAI l'occasione per dimostrarsi stupidi.
Che strano. O forse no.


Sunday, February 14, 2010

Pokemon Dawn Yellow Swimwear

02/14/2010 - First Day of the Chinese year of the dragon

Grazie di cuore per i saluti e gli auguri dell'anno lunare, che secondo la tradizione cinese e' quello della tigre.

L'anno del bue appena terminato mi ha aggiogato con il peso dell'essere parroco, parroco della parrocchia di Holy Cross (non la Santa Croce di Mons D'Urso). Una parrocchia che si appresta a celebrare il 50mo di consacrazione della chiesa nel 2011 e il 100mo di costituzione nel 2014. Una parrocchia molto vivace e per numero di cristiani (10 messe domenicali tra la chiesa parrocchiale e altri 2 centri di messa domenicale) e per numero di catecumeni/nuovi cristiani (88 battesimi nella notte della Veglia Pasquale). Vivace per il gran numero di gruppi e movimenti (una sessantina), vivace soprattutto e solo perche' the Spirit blows, and in abundance.
Upon arriving in the new parish (July 1), after more than 'a month, on the eve of the feast of the Cure of Ars, I fell down the stairs of the office, the old office, devoid of handrail and the steps to measure Chinese feet, fracturing the left humerus in 7 parts. Result: surgery with 10 screws that always remind me that I was in Hong Kong, in the parish church of Santa Croce. The screws, slightly more 'numerous than those of our Lord. Only
Friday 'last, I moved into a new apartment / building which was under construction since 2005. Apartment and that 's top floor of a building of 8 floors. Lump even come from, it has one, from what I know. 8 floors of which the first and 'to the parish offices (pastor, assistant pastor of China, secretary), the second and third rooms for meetings and catechism, eighth floor of the residence of the parish clergy and IV to VII curial offices: ( the diocesan commission for the family and marriage, the Secretariat of the Federation of Asian Bishops' Conferences FABC, the diocesan council of the laity, the diocesan Justice and Peace Committee and the Diocesan Commission for the work). All this and much more are administrator. Under the
TIGRE start this new year full of responsibility 'and commitment. I would say: but this had to happen to me?? I hope to be brave and strong as the tiger in pursuit of what is' must do according to God's plans and the diocese.

Even you wish you be courageous and steadfast in doing the will 'of God, today and forever.
good wishes for Lent.
I commend the catechumens in celebrating the rites of choice in the first Sunday of Lent. They will also be your brothers and sisters, even if you do not know.

the first week of Easter, Father Andrea Favale, Don Giovanni Pedone and Don Marinelli Nunzio I will officially visit, the first official visit of the diocesan clergy of my church after 10 years in the Chinese territory. In their visit you'll feel 'even more' neighbors.

新年 快乐 ~ ~ 身体 建康 龙马 精神

Father Michael

Lorna Morgan Large Image

14/02/2010 - First Day of the Chinese year of the dragon

thanks for the greetings and good wishes of the lunar year, which according to Chinese tradition and 'one of the tiger.

year of the ox yoked just left me with the burden of being a parish priest, parish priest of Holy Cross (not the Santa Croce di Mons D'Urso). A parish which is preparing to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the consecration of the church in 2011 and the 100th of the constitution in 2014. A very vibrant parish and the number of Christians (10 Sunday Masses in the parish church and two other centers of Sunday Mass) and the number of catechumens / new Christians (88 baptisms on the night of the Easter Vigil). Vivace for the large number of groups and movements (about sixty), lively and above all just 'cause the wind blows, and in abundance.
Upon arriving in the new parish (July 1), after more than 'a month, on the eve of the feast of the Cure of Ars, I fell down the stairs of the office, the old office, devoid of handrail and the steps to measure Chinese feet, fracturing the left humerus in 7 parts. Result: surgery with 10 screws that always remind me that I was in Hong Kong, in the parish church of Santa Croce. The screws, slightly more 'numerous than those of our Lord. Only
Friday ' last year I moved into a new apartment / building which was under construction since 2005. Apartment and that 's top floor of a building of 8 floors. Lump even come from, it has one, from what I know. 8 floors of which the first and 'to the parish offices (pastor, assistant pastor of China, secretary), the second and third rooms for meetings and catechism, eighth floor of the residence of the parish clergy and IV to VII curial offices: ( the diocesan commission for the family and marriage, the Secretariat of the Federation of Asian Bishops' Conferences FABC, the diocesan council of the laity, the diocesan Justice and Peace Committee and the Diocesan Commission for the work). Of all this and much more are administrator. Under the
TIGRE start this new year full of responsibility 'and commitment. I would say: but this had to happen to me?? I hope to be brave and strong as the tiger in pursuit of what is' must do according to God's plans and the diocese.

Even you wish you be courageous and steadfast in doing the will 'of God, today and forever.
good wishes for Lent.
I commend the catechumens in celebrating the rites of choice in the first Sunday of Lent. They will also be your brothers and sisters, even if you do not know.

the first week of Easter, Father Andrea Favale, Don Giovanni Pedone Nunzio and Don Marinelli mi faranno ufficialmente visita, la prima visita ufficiale del clero della mia chiesa diocesana dopo 10 anni di permanenza in territorio cinese. Nella loro visita vi sentiro' ancora piu' vicini.

新年快樂 ~ 身體建康 ~ 龍馬精神

Friday, February 5, 2010

Can You Become Fatigued From Ovarian Cysts


Grande successo e partecipazione per il convegno organizzato da Libertà e Futuro Lombardia, "Internet Navigare sicuri - Educazione, use, consumption, control, "which was held at the hall of the Lombardy Region Pirelli. Interventions and important guests have characterized the two-hour debate, opened by the Regional Coordinator Angela Ronchini (who has read the message was sent directly from the Minister of Youth Giorgia Meloni), which was followed by the intervention of the Regional President Roberto Formigoni that in his incisive intervention focused on communication and utility of the Internet in the third millennium. Dr Daniela Uberti, head of the Department of School Education and Freedom and Future has drawn a clear picture about the risks and dangers of the Internet, focusing then on the proportion of network access scuole e adolescenti. Intervento tecnico dello psicologo-psicoterapeuta Raffaele Cavalliere che si è soffermato sul bisogno di comunicazione dell'uomo e sulle sue evoluzioni, lasciando intuire giustamente che Internet ha sì dei rischi, ma questi derivano esclusivamente alla personalità dell'utente che spesso finisce per trovare sfogo alle sua personalità sulla rete, diventando cyber-dipendente. Michele Ficara Manganelli, presidente dell'Associazione Italiana Industria Digitale ha concentrato il suo intervento sull'utilizzo e utilità dei social-netwotk, mentre l'Avvocato Massimo Melica ha concentrato il proprio intervento sul diritto delle tecnologie informatiche. A chiudere il convegno le parole dell'Onorevole Antonio Palmieri che ha spiegato the importance it plays the Internet for information, as called for the introduction of rules and responsibilities in the network without incurring the censure. The President Daniele Baldini finished the night after it announced it start working for a bill to be submitted to Parliament by next June, with a commitment to repeat the conference in other regions of Italy.
A perfect evening in which the Coordinator of Milan Simone Temporiti announced the direct involvement of all Freedom and Future of Lombardy to regulate access to clubs under the age of eighteen. A proposal that might be the right medicine to the ills of the new generation.