Saturday, July 14, 2007

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emigration Emigration

... Never again! Chronicle of a season between fantasy and reality

Il libro è nato come prosecuzione naturale del primo: tema principale è sempre l’emigrazione.
La differenza fondamentale consiste nel fatto che i due prendono in considerazione un diverso aspetto dello stesso fenomeno.
Mentre “Sbirciarsi Dentro” fissa con insistenza lo sguardo verso la sofferenza dell’individuo migrante, in “Mai Più…!” esso si sofferma maggiormente sulla vita dell’individuo all’interno dello propria comunità, in emigrazione.
Come si evince chiaramente dal titolo, l’intenzione primaria dell’autore era quella di relazionare alcuni avvenimenti verificatisi in un arco di tempo ben delimitato che ha definito, impropriamente, "Season".
The two thousand and six was a year full of events involving the Italians and especially those living abroad.
In this context, Belgium has played a leading role.
The coincidence of these events and the publication of the previous book, "peek inside", urged the author to report on events to which it is almost always directly to the viewer and communicate the feelings that they took.
The cover image is clearly shows that the book examines a variety of events.
Events, pride, cheering, sports, civic participation are, in fact, the elements the main component.
In the preamble it is emphasized that, in addition to reflection and to chronicle true, there is a digression imaginative, ironic that sometimes borders on satire.
The irony, by the derision and mockery, and has led to a smile, sometimes intended to highlight some particular situations and reflect on them.
The fanciful digression could be both a tool that encourages a liberal interpretation of reality is a means to assist the outside.
Fantasia and irony do not want to strike or to target the real people but the reality that could produce such characters.
The title: "Never again ..." extrapolation is made by a sentence of the speech that the President of the Chamber of Deputies, Fausto Bertinotti, has set out to "Bois du Cazier Marcinelle, on the occasion of the commemoration of the sixtieth anniversary of the Treaty Italian / Belgian 46.
The main reason that urged the author to write was, as before, that of testimony.
As we can notice the book is written in Italian.
The reason for this choice was dictated by the mere fact that the author is able to communicate better in writing in his mother tongue.
His goal is not only to elicit the interest of the Italian community residing outside the borders of Italy. He also wishes, as expressed in the preamble, that those who were lucky enough to make your life in your country, do not forget that part of their welfare I owe it to those who have gone away.
In conclusion, the author, through his thoughts, hopes to give even a small contribution to the history of Italians around the world will not just be an appendage of the internal history but which is regarded as an irreplaceable piece of its mosaic.
Anthony Carmelo Scifo, "Never again ...! Chronicle of a season between fantasy and reality, "edition

Copyright © May 2007 Lampi di stampa 2007
Via Conservatorio, 30 - 20122 Milano
ISBN 978-88-488-0578-0

This book is the natural continuation of previous work by the author: the main theme is always emigration.
The fundamental difference lies in the fact that both books deal with different aspects of the same problem.
While "Sbirciarsi Dentro" focuses primarily on the suffering of the individual migrant, "Mai più", sees more in the migrant's social dimension by highlighting the network of relationships woven between migrants from the same Communauté nationale.
Comme on pourrait le deviner facilement par le titre, l’intention initiale de l’auteur a été celle de relater certains des événements qui se sont déroulés dans un espace temporel très limité que celui-ci a improprement défini « une saison ».
Deux mille-six à été une année très riche en faits touchant les Italiens et, en particulier, ceux, d’entre eux, qui vivent à l’étranger.
De nombreux lieux en Belgique ont servi de cadre à ces événements.
La concomitance de ces faits avec la sortie de l’ouvrage, « Sbirciarsi Dentro » a poussé l’auteur, dans un premier time to participate in many of these events. In recalling this experience was brought in a second step, a critical reflection that he wanted to share with potential readers. This was done by a book which is the second volume of his "literary career".
The cover image is clearly glimpse the book's contents: Birthdays, sport, administrative and national elections, etc..
As noted in the preamble, we discover that besides the true chronicle there is also a fantastic wandering where the irony flirts with satire.
L’ironie, exprimée par la dérision et la raillerie, n’a pas pour unique fonction de faire sourire,
elle vise également à souligner certaines situations particulières, dans le but d’inciter à la réflexion.
Les divagations dans le monde de l’imaginaire sont à considérer quant à elles comme un outil qui consentirait à exprimer avec plus de facilité les aspects de la réalité perçus sous un regard subjectif. Fantaisie et ironie n’ont pas pour but de viser quelqu’un, en particulier, pour le réprimander mais de mettre en évidence certaines réalités susceptibles d’engendrer des personnages blâmables.
The book's title: "Mai più ...!" (Never Again) was suggested by words, extrapolated from a sentence of speech that the Speaker of the House of Deputies, Fausto Bertinotti, was delivered at the Bois du Cazier Marcinelle "in commemoration of the sixtieth anniversary of the Treaty between Belgium el'Italie.
Like his previous book, the main motivation which led the author to write, was the desire to bear witness.
As can be seen by seizing the book, it is written in Italian.
The reason for the choice of language was dictated by the simple fact that the author managed to communicate more easily, by writing in his mother tongue.
Given that the author is aware that the audience he will succeed in reaching, inevitably, limited and even if the events described are set in several locations in Belgium.
All this does not detract from the ambition expressed in the preamble of the book, which aims to arouse the interest of Italians living abroad and all those who have had the chance to build their life in their Country: Italy.
In conclusion, the author wishes, above all, that his thoughts make a modest contribution to the cause of the Italians in the world so that their history is not simply seen as an appendage of the internal historiography but that it acquires the dignity of an essential part of a broad mosaic.


N ovember 2 0 0 7 O ra
I talia No. 1 4 15 May
più ...!
Nei locali dell'ECI has Ransart (Charleroi Belgio),venerdi scorso alle ore 19 si é
svolta la presentazione del secondo libro di Antonino SCIFO. Il Presidente del
Comites S.Cacciatore ha tracciato con emozione alcune delle doti dell’amico ed ex
collega insegnante, lasciando ad un’altra ex collega la Rosa Russo che ha avuto
il gradito compito di leggerlo in anteprima e di presentarlo questa sera, con moltissima
bravura e precisione, ma per rispetto di spazio mi limitero’ a darne un fedele riassunto
: Il titolo di questa seconda opera è “Mai più…! Cronaca di una stagione tra fantasia
e realtà” e, come il primo libro “Sbirciarsi dentro” ha come tema principale l’emigrazione
o l’emigrato. In Sbirciarsi dentro, l’autore traccia principalmente la propria storia
partendo dalla sua situazione di figlio di emigrato per arrivare a quella di emigrato
egli stesso e, attraverso la narrazione di fatti, congiunture, testimonianze, legislazioni e
protocolli, arriva alla conclusione che ogni emigrato ha la propria storia che si intreccia
con le molteplici storie dell’emigrazione tracciate dai numerosi scrittori o storiografi.
“Mai più….! Cronaca di una stagione tra fantasia e realtà” è un titolo molto emblematico
e significativo. L’autore riferisce che l’espressione “Mai più” è stata estrapolata
from the speech given by President of the Chamber of Deputies, Mr Fausto Bertinotti
in occasion of his visit to Marcinelle, in the Bois du Cazier, 5 July 2006
. That expression, in the light of what has happened in the past and in the light of
happens in the world today, can 'be a warning that there are: No more
accidents at work, no more exploitation of minors; No more racism, no more hatred never again
social injustice; No more war, no more suffering, no more and many other bad things.
But these legitimate wishes continue to dwell in our imagination because man is naturally prone to violence
and the oppression of his fellow men.
In ... Never again. Chronicle of a season between fantasy and reality, the author is the presenter
a series of events held during 2006 in and around Charleroi, Belgium: the week
Italian and initiatives to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the
Protocol between Italy and Belgium, the commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the disaster
of the Bois du Cazier, the Tour of Italy, the football league, the legislative elections;
the various events staged by the Italian associations and the traditional
meeting of the elderly are just some of the events narrated. Of course all of the events described evoke
la storia della nostra comunità.
In ogni manifestazione raccontata, l’autore propone riflessioni e considerazioni personali
o raccolte, messaggi palesi o taciuti; la sua narrazione ci fa percepire la soddisfazione,
l’insoddisfazione, l’emozione, la commozione, l’orgoglio, la fierezza, la tristezza
e anche la frustrazione che in quei momenti si manifestavano sui volti di tutte le
1 il mitico ed eroico Teseo, che, pur nutrendosi di quotidiane delusioni, non molla la
presa, non si sottomette e , soprattutto non cade nel tranello della rassegnazione,
dell’assimilazione alla massa ; vuole rimanere “se stesso” e cerca disperatamente di
combattere abuses, injustice, arrogance. In short, is a dreamer and an idealist ...
Other interesting characters are:
2The Plenipotentiary Gufante and Pantagruel who preside over meetings of the learned and that
gufando and catching, trying to grab all the credit. 3The
fluffy Grillo Sparlante that, ever vigilant during plenary sessions, spoke about
, but more often inappropriately, to emphasize his displeasure,
it is essential to note the continuous change of views and stressful
Owl, of Pantagruel and essays. This is really infuriating Grillo sparlante
to others ... and it is only a "sower of discord" or, put French, a
"foutteur de merde "...... Several other characters are unreal, but
best left to the reader the freedom and pleasure of scoprirli.In conclusion, said Rosa Russo
the meticulousness, the seriousness and thoroughness with which the author has treated Anthony Scifo
the history of Italian and Charleroi in Belgium, this book can 'be counted among the
"memory books" and deserves to be addressed especially to the younger generations so that they
, through the reading of the events commemorated in 2006, take
consciousness of sacrifice and suffering that their grandparents had to face and endure
nel corso della loro vita. Sarebbe utile che il libro venisse letto anche
dagli italiani residenti in Italia affinché essi si rendano conto che parte del loro benessere
lo debbono anche a quelli che hanno coraggiosamente oltrepassato la frontiera.
La Russo termina la presentazione con “Sarebbe, percio’ giusto che i nostri politici
avessero il coraggio di inserire nei programmi scolastici anche lo studio del fenomeno
dell’emigrazione italiana, salvaguardando cosi’ la memoria”.Grande ponderazione
nelle domande rivolte all’autore con la regia del moderatore BrunoTundo, da parte del
numeroso publico tra amici, presidenti di associazione e di vari membri del Comites e
Caic, ed il Direttore di Radio Italia Charleroi Pino Sanremo.La serata si é conclusa con
il tradizionale rinfresco dell’amicizia. Un augurio particolare da parte della Trinacria
Charleroi ad un suo membro che ancora una volta ha portato alto il nome della madre
Terra ed un arrivederci per un terzo libro nel 2008 ?? Infiniti ringraziamenti ai Direttori
Responsabili per una cortese e larga diffusione ■
Angelo Lavore (Presidente Trinacria e Corrispondente Sicilia Mondo Charleroi)


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