Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Ms Wireless Optical Mouse, Ce0560


Allego l’articolo pubblicato dall’agenzia stampa A.I.S.E. precisando che la prima parte non riporta fedelmente il pensiero che volevo esprimere nella mia comunicazione e che trascrivo qui sotto:

La “Commissione Solidarietà Abruzzo”, costituitasi all’indomani del rovinoso sisma del 6 aprile 2009 che ha colpito la Regione Abruzzo, con i fondi raccolti e la partecipazione di alcuni partner, ha deciso di ospitare a Charleroi, dal 17 aprile al 23 aprile 2010, gli alunni di una terza media della Scuola Media Statale "G. Mazzini - T. Patini" di L’Aquila.

La nube di cenere del vulcano islandese bloccando al suolo gli aerei ha impedito la partenza del gruppo, composto da 23* studenti e cinque insegnanti, guidato dal Dirigente scolastico. Questa contrarietà ha generato tristezza e delusione sia nelle persone che attendevano sia nel gruppo che doveva partire. Si perdeva il lavoro organizzativo degli uni e svanivano le aspettative degli altri, ma la caparbietà degli organizzatori ha trovato una soluzione alternativa facendo arrivare i ragazzi aquilani in pullman. La comitiva (quattro dei ventitre ragazzi previsti non sono stati in grado di partire) è partita il giorno successivo e dopo ventidue ore di viaggio è, finalmente, arrivata a Charleroi (Belgio). La prima sensazione esternata da uno degli accompagnatori é stata: “Dopo un viaggio sonnecchiante ci risvegliamo in un altro mondo lasciando a 1400 chilometri la paura del terremoto”. La posticipata partenza non ha permesso agli ospiti di costatare con quanto Heat was held their reception in the room where two hundred and fifty people had agreed to consume, in their company, the meal of dinner. The warmth of Italians living abroad were detected in different contacts with the Italian community. "If we had not ascertained the person would never have guessed how big the attachment of Italians living abroad to their homeland and solidarity with their fellow citizens" - as an adult it is expressed in the host group.

* 23 but under 19 parties


CHARLEROI \\ aise \\ - Last week a group of students Abruzzese in Charleroi was through the good offices of the Commission "Solidarity Abruzzo" which was chaired by Anthony Carmelo Scifo was formed after the earthquake last year to raise funds to be allocated to affected populations.
The Commission has decided to use the funds raised for a project to accommodate pupils in Belgium of a third class of the State School "G. Mazzini - T. Patini" in L'Aquila, in fact, 17 to 23 April were housed in Charleroi despite the well-known problems caused by aviation Icelandic volcano. The boys arrived in Belgium, accompanied dal preside, in autobus: ad accoglierli dopo 22 ore di viaggio 250 persone che hanno condiviso con loro la cena di benvenuto.
I giovani sono stati quindi ricevuti nelle rispettive sedi dal presidente del Comites e dal Console Generale, ma anche dal Sindaco di Châtelet che li ha invitati a pranzo e trascorso gran parte del pomeriggio insieme a loro. Stessa calorosa accoglienza anche dall’amministrazione comunale di Mons e dal Municipio di Charleroi dove sono stati ricevuti dall’assessore all’insegnamento ed alla problematica giovanile. "Il loro stupore – racconta Scifo – è stato grande quando sono stati accolti da un senatore e da una senatrice, che hanno illustrato loro il funzionamento della camera e del senato, si sono seduti sugli scranni senatoriali". "Immensa commozione" ha prodotto la visita al sito minerario "Bois du Cazier" di Marcinelle, dove l'8 agosto 1956 morirono 262 persone di cui 136 di nazionalità italiana e, di questi, ben 60 abruzzesi.
"Il Preside – prosegue Scifo – in molte occasioni, rivolgendosi ai ragazzi, li ha invitati a riflettere sul concetto dell’accoglienza: gli italiani, qualche tempo fa, sono andati in giro per il mondo, hanno sofferto, hanno dato un contributo rilevante all’economia del paese che li ospitava. Anche se, in un primo momento, sono stati discriminati, si sono affermati e si sono fatti rispettare. Ora l’Italia accoglie gente d’altrove che contribuisce con il lavoro the welfare of our country. The experience of our emigrants should make us reflect on how to welcome people who come to us. For young people, L'Aquila, the arrival in Belgium was a harbinger of new experiences. One evening, after dinner, returning to the place of accommodation, a boy has confessed to his teacher: "at one time I made three new experiences, take the plane, go to another country and get on a boat" . This experience was gained during the visit to the elevator hydraulic Strepy-Thieu.
"important and unique," says Scifo, was also the morning that the boys have lived with the pupils of a class of Belgian. I Belgian boys have shown their life by showing students through visual aids prepared expressly places where they operated, the subsidies available to them and their activities. For their part, students Aquila did see the contents of a video made by them showed that the serious injury caused by the earthquake to their city and especially the old town.
"If we had not ascertained the person would never have guessed how big the attachment of Italians living abroad to their homeland and solidarity with their fellow citizens," said a group of adult guest.
"I spent four days have passed in a hurry. I four days were intense, "Scifo says." I wonder who among the guests and the host has acquired more wealth from this meeting. On 23 April, several members of the committee wanted to take guests to the airport. The time of departure - he concludes - and saddened those who departed and those who remained. " (AISE)

Saturday, April 24, 2010

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from the site of Italy Wonderful:

confirmed the ban on hunting during the breeding and migrating birds - Italy closer to resolving disputes in Europe.

"He has a sense of responsibility prevailed in Parliament and in government, who declined to extend the hunting season without some limitations and rejected a true deregulation of hunting."

Approved by the House of Members Article 43 of Law Community, with some exceptions exemptions and less the result of a hard-fought compromise.

The article correctly reflects many of the demands put forward by the European Commission in the infringement procedure 2006/2131 and allowing Italy to better equip themselves for the upcoming reviews of the European Court of Justice.

From the point of view of substance, the article introduces important changes in terms of nature conservation and wildlife, such as greater protection of natural habitats and the ban on hunting during the period of breeding and migrating birds.

just regret the undue concession to the doublets represented by the possibility of regional exception to the hunting calendar, albeit limited only to first week of February and submitted to the prior opinion ISPRA (Institute for the Protection and Environmental Research)

With today's vote, the Chamber of Deputies however, reiterated its clear no to "wild hunt" and put an end to attempts to distortion of the law on protection of fauna.

"I thank all Members of the majority and opposition, with an extraordinary commitment, we have expressed in recent days, the requests of numerous associations and those of nature."

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" Article 43 The situation was difficult because of the kind of virus introduced inside blitz by hunting in the Senate, with the norm now known as "hunting no limits" nothing to do with the EU infringement procedure.

"With a long and meticulous work we managed to explain that Article 43 was almost completely rewritten in order to respond properly to the EU infringement procedure and we have largely succeeded. Against this background, we have instead registrare l’irresponsabilità di quella parte del mondo venatorio che, con un vero e proprio ricatto, ha tentato di approfittare della situazione per promuovere le proprie istanze indebite, fuori luogo e comunque irricevibili."

“Una manovra, quella filo venatoria, solo in parte riuscita considerato che, sebbene in via teorica, l’articolo prevede la possibilità di una deroga di dieci giorni al calendario venatorio ma in situazioni eccezionali e previo parare conforme dell’ISPRA . Un’eventualità, quella del posticipo a febbraio, comunque da scongiurare del tutto, considerata la necessità di porre sotto completa tutela quel delicatissimo periodo dell’anno per gli uccelli migratori."

“Resta l’impegno massimo posto in questa vicenda da molti dei suoi protagonisti, come i deputati Ceccacci, Rubino, Catanoso, Cenni, Giammanco, Mannucci, Oliverio, Realacci, Zamparutti, al relatore Gottardo e tanti altri, la cui azione a tutela della natura, del diritto e della volontà degli italiani è stata encomiabile e che ci sentiamo profondamente di ringraziare”.

Fonte LIPU

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Precisazioni di Fabrizio Capsoni, presidente di Italia Meravigliosa The League

compact voted in favor of extending the limits of hunting. In
PDL groups have been formed instead of thinking differently: some for and some against.
The PD has preferred the path of abstention.

These are the names of the PDL group of MPs who have fought to prevent wild hunt:
Ceccacci Fiorella Rubino, Gabriella Giammanco, Barbara Mannucci, Giuliano Cazzola, Benedetto Della Vedova, Fabio Granata, Paola Frassinetti, Manuela Repetti, Enrico La Loggia, Michaela Bianci, Margherita Boniver, Flavia Perina, Gennaro Malgieri, Fiamma Nirenstein, Pietro Lunardi, Francesco Paolo Sisto, Lucio Stanca, Salvatore Torrisi, Annagrazia Calabria, Maurizio Iappicca, Gianni Mancuso, Roberto Tortoli, Elvira Savino, Gabriella Carlucci, Elena Centemero, Santo Versace, Basilio Catanoso e Paola Pelino.

Hanno preannunciato il loro no al provvedimento all'esame della Camera in una lettera inviata a Silvio Berlusconi e, per conoscenza, al capogruppo a Montecitorio Fabrizio Cicchitto:
"Non intendiamo legittimare con il nostro voto il cedimento politico di alcuni a una piccola lobby di settore e di 750 mila cacciatori. Nè, tanto meno, alla loro volontà di sparare indiscriminatamente tutto l'anno e contro qualsiasi specie animale".

Missiva dell'On.le Barbara Mannucci:
"Ho votato questa legge e la mediazione l’ho fatta io per raggiungere questo compromesso che accontenta le associazioni animalisti con cui abbiamo lavorato a stretto contatto. I cacciatori sono neri perché gli abbiamo messo parecchi paletti. Non si può cacciare nessuna nuova specie. Solo il Colombaccio fino al 10 febbraio previo parere dell’ISPRA che, essendo formato da animalisti, ha già detto che darà parere contrario. Quindi siamo salvi!!!"

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

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The boys of the school "Mazzini - Patina" in Belgium


Monday, April 12th, 2010 No Commented


L ' April 8, the Commission "Solidarity Abruzzo, founded in Charleroi after the earthquake April 6, 2009 and presided over by Anthony Carmelo Scifo, convened a press conference to explain the project with the funds raised. Appointment was also attended by Consul General Iva Palmieri, President COMITES, committee members and representatives of the Italian associations in the region.
"To fully understand the spirit of the project - said Scifo, who is also secretary of the Comites Charleroi - you have to go back one year. At the news of the devastating earthquake of April 6, 2009 that struck the region of Abruzzo, and in particular its capital L'Aquila and many neighboring towns, the Italian community of Charleroi has mobilized to express their solidarity. After a brief period of reflection, suggested by the directives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, who invited her to wait, it was a commission sponsored by Comites which joined the many Italian associations. The Commission for Solidarity Abruzzo "- reminds Scifo - has opened a bank account where it was conveyed to the contribution of many people. With the money raised, initially, it was decided to purchase educational materials to be sent to a school. The echoes of the drama that came through the media or the testimony of those who have personally ascertained the deleterious effects of the earthquake have pushed the Commission for further consideration. "
"The quake - explains the chairman of the committee - not only prevailed on housing and public places but has destroyed or damaged many schools. This has forced many students to begin the school year in structure guided by purpose. The earthquake and its drama are not placed in the area but the memories are still present. We recall the continuous movements of the earth, the deep wounds caused by the earthquake in the area and the temporary nature of the places where people live and work. In this context, we can not say that people have begun to live normal. Solidarity, public and private, direct or indirect, has responded to immediate needs, helping the victims to survive and to react. Solidarity, now, while aiming to heal the psychological wounds, will move towards the prospect of a future. "
For this reason, Therefore, the Commission "Solidarity Abruzzo" considered "appropriate to benefit from funds raised by the disaster stricken people, directly. He decided to host a group of students at Charleroi third middle school. It has been detected, the "Middle School G. Mazzini - T. Patina of L'Aquila, who joined the project. For logistic reasons, the period of stay of the guest in Belgium was set 17 to 23 April next. The group is composed of twenty-three students and some professors (5 guides) and their headmaster. "
"With the intent to implement a project that was able to give as much as possible and the best use of the money collected - clear Scifo - were carried out several meetings. The goods would not allow a lot. We need to involve and engage to make a further contribution of solidarity. "
Once formulated a program, the committee has sought partners who contribute to its realization. "The project - said Scifo - it has been proposed as main objectives: to escape the kids from the reality of everyday life and enriching experience that perhaps some of them could not achieve in their lives. In fact, along with activities designed to distraction was an educational project marked by a tendency a far scoprire nuove realtà socio-economico-politiche: le Istituzioni Europee, le Istituzioni italiane in Belgio,il Comites, le Amministrazioni comunali di Charleroi, Châtelet e Mons, il sito minerario “Bois du Cazier”, l’Atelier e “le Musée de la Poterie” di Bouffioulx (Châtelet), l’ Ascensore idraulico di Houdeng-Goegnies”.


Saturday, April 17, 2010

Maybelline Dream Matte Mousse Blusher


Alcuni amici hanno chiesto la mia opinione su i due casi di sospensione di alcuni servizi scolastici a causa della morosità creatasi per il non versamento delle rette che, in un caso, dovevano garantire la somministrazione dei pasti mensa agli alunni and in the latter case, the transport of these companies by the school.
The two cases occurred at a short distance in two different locations administered by the center.
only course I can elaborate on the news appeared in several newspapers, but with great humility, I will try however to express my position.
First, in both cases, the municipalities confirmed to ensure the financial aid provided to poor families and it is apparent that suspension of services has been implemented after repeated calls and, in some cases, for non-payment of some rate but the total absence of payments going back to the top of the school year (September 2009) and cifre che non superano i 30€ mensili.
In secondo luogo è giusto ricordare che la sospensione di fornitura è prassi comune a tutte le aziende che forniscono sia servizi di basilare utilità (elettricità e gas) sia servizi generici (telefonia, tv satellitare/digitale, etc.etc.), sospensione che normalmente avviene a seguito del non pagamento di 2 fatture/bollette e previo avviso.
Detto ciò, rendendomi pienamente conto che togliere il servizio mensa ai bambini e/o non permettergli di utilizzare lo scuolabus è sicuramente un'azione estrema, trovo in ugual maniera estremo il continuo e irresponsabile disinteresse dei genitori.
Sono portato a pensare che i figli di questi genitori, pur non usufruendo dei sopracitati servizi, possano tranquillamente mangiarsi a pranzo il piatto di pasta preparato con cura a casa dalla mamma e possano andare a scuola con la macchina del papà, continuando cosi a ricevere il servizio di istruzione garantito dalla scuola.
Sono cinicamente portato a pensare che i genitori degli alunni in oggetto non siano stati cosi drasticamente colpiti dalla crisi economica e non versino in condizioni economiche disastrose, come confermato dalle amministrazioni locali che conoscono gli stessi trattandosi di piccole realtà locali, ma che, cosa comune in Italia, siano invece afflitti dal terribile morbo della "furbizia".
Morbo che, oltre a nuocere direttamente sui propri figli, crea buchi economici del valore di milioni di euro alle amministrazioni intaccando seriamente cosi la possibilità di garantire i livelli di qualità dei servizi offerti a tutti gli alunni.
Concludo le mie considerazioni con un appello:
Cari genitori, invece di utilizzare solo in estremis la situazione da Voi creata sulla pelle dei vostri figli abusando della sensibilità umana pur di passare per vittime a tutti costi, SE REALMENTE la vostra situazione economica versa in una condizione cosi terribile, compratevi meno sigarette, rinunciate al caffè (tutte cose salutari) e, nel caso siate già salutisti, riducete le ricariche telefoniche ai Vostri tanto amati cellulari. Perche 30 euro al mese per amore dei figli, se veramente si vuole, si trovano.


Thursday, April 1, 2010

List Of The Shag Bands Meanings


Certainly we are all able to hear, no doubt about it, but it remains unclear how many have instead developed the ability to listen.
The last regional elections prove once again that the demagoguery of the Italian left is never over. After all the re-election campaign based on defamation and criminal acts and to have decreed the imminent end of the PDL and Premier Berlusconi, facing a clear and math defeat, the intelligentsia red dress continues to deny the evidence of the facts Indeed, with exercises worthy of the best acrobats, all in search of ways to overturn the election results and revise at will delegitimizing and offending both the popular vote so that the capacity for choice of the voters themselves.
Strangely, but not too much, only Di Pietro publicly acknowledges the victory of center-right field pushed almost certainly will not be caught by the group of those who foolishly continues to deny to the bitter end 'primary evidence and the need to highlight the "dangerous" successes of his public enemy number one without which it would delegitimize his political existence.
Listening skills needs to be extended to those who emerges victorious from this election, undeniable fact is the alarming rate of abstentions in the vote which shows a growing disinterest on the part of citizens against a policy too often distant and incomprehensible.
litmus paper is the situation these days in Milan highlighted by continued, albeit moderate, connections between PDL and the Northern League in anticipation of the forthcoming elections.
should therefore greater commitment on the part of those who live the passion for politics and it still sees the ability, often forgotten, to improve the lives of others. Reliability and transparency of the foundations upon which to build future successes. Participation in the first person to local social life through a constant and constructive presence in the territory of individuals, among the people for the people.
In short, returning finally to listen.


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Massimo Buscemi, tell us the date and place of birth and how it defines three adjectives.
"Born in Magenta June 13, 1960. They are real, genuine, stubborn. " Why
Milan should vote her?
"Because I am from Milan, I know my town and because I am not a politician, I make this work with passion and not for money."
What has made good in the past?
"I managed the rehabilitation of the earthquake of Salò as government commissioner appointed by Silvio Berlusconi in 2005."
One thing I regret having done so.
"Nothing. If I did not regretted Mica's nothing I can invent something. I never regretted anything ... and then the regret I was never convinced. Here, I have repented of this joke. "
an election promise, but one and the concrete.
"I do not make promises, covenants and do concrete work. My commitment is to continue to work as I always have. I follow the program of President Formigoni, I do not propose that weird things then I can achieve. My plan is to continue to realize its seriousness, diligence and transparency. "
The first thing to improve the PDL?
"Surely the roots in the social, industrial and business areas, because the party must be present in the territory and in rapporti con i maggiori esponenti delle realtà che garantiscono la crescita della Lombardia».
Per quale assessorato si sente tagliato?
«Questa è una domanda assurda. Mi sento tagliato per l’assessorato che spero mi affiderà il presidente Formigoni».
Qual è il suo personaggio politico preferito?
«Lavoro con Berlusconi dal 1986, prima in Publitalia e dal 1994 in Forza Italia, quindi il politico preferito è lui perché sono con lui da quando ho iniziato a lavorare».
Ultimo libro letto.
«La storia del Regno delle due Sicilie, purtroppo tre mesi fa perché poi ho dovuto fare la campagna elettorale e non ho più potuto leggere niente. È una storia affascinante, because it tells a land that gave birth to so many historical figures in the arts and culture. For all Antonello da Messina, but you can cite many, as Sciascia and Guttuso. It is a land rich, suffused with Arab, Greek, Norman. Unfortunately it did not had great luck over the past fifty years. "
A bad question to his opponent's party.
"And who is my opponent? Ah! Stefano Maullu! I'd like to ask if, like me, because before him I held his same office Assessorile, fell in love with the Civil Protection and the world of volunteering and if you like me closer to the generosity of men and women of the police di stato, della polizia locale e dei carabinieri».