Thursday, April 1, 2010

Does Staples Do Lamination?


Massimo Buscemi, tell us the date and place of birth and how it defines three adjectives.
"Born in Magenta June 13, 1960. They are real, genuine, stubborn. " Why
Milan should vote her?
"Because I am from Milan, I know my town and because I am not a politician, I make this work with passion and not for money."
What has made good in the past?
"I managed the rehabilitation of the earthquake of Salò as government commissioner appointed by Silvio Berlusconi in 2005."
One thing I regret having done so.
"Nothing. If I did not regretted Mica's nothing I can invent something. I never regretted anything ... and then the regret I was never convinced. Here, I have repented of this joke. "
an election promise, but one and the concrete.
"I do not make promises, covenants and do concrete work. My commitment is to continue to work as I always have. I follow the program of President Formigoni, I do not propose that weird things then I can achieve. My plan is to continue to realize its seriousness, diligence and transparency. "
The first thing to improve the PDL?
"Surely the roots in the social, industrial and business areas, because the party must be present in the territory and in rapporti con i maggiori esponenti delle realtà che garantiscono la crescita della Lombardia».
Per quale assessorato si sente tagliato?
«Questa è una domanda assurda. Mi sento tagliato per l’assessorato che spero mi affiderà il presidente Formigoni».
Qual è il suo personaggio politico preferito?
«Lavoro con Berlusconi dal 1986, prima in Publitalia e dal 1994 in Forza Italia, quindi il politico preferito è lui perché sono con lui da quando ho iniziato a lavorare».
Ultimo libro letto.
«La storia del Regno delle due Sicilie, purtroppo tre mesi fa perché poi ho dovuto fare la campagna elettorale e non ho più potuto leggere niente. È una storia affascinante, because it tells a land that gave birth to so many historical figures in the arts and culture. For all Antonello da Messina, but you can cite many, as Sciascia and Guttuso. It is a land rich, suffused with Arab, Greek, Norman. Unfortunately it did not had great luck over the past fifty years. "
A bad question to his opponent's party.
"And who is my opponent? Ah! Stefano Maullu! I'd like to ask if, like me, because before him I held his same office Assessorile, fell in love with the Civil Protection and the world of volunteering and if you like me closer to the generosity of men and women of the police di stato, della polizia locale e dei carabinieri».


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